Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Techniques as Tools: Life Coach Training, Business Coaching Training, Career Coach Certification, Executive Coaching Certification

During life coach training, business coaching training, career coach certification, and executive coaching certification so many different techniques and tools are covered that there is information overload.  Often participants grasp some of it; they review their materials later and learn concepts that were presented, and for them are completely new because they missed them the first time through during the class.For example, here is a quick, short list of some coaching tools and techniques taught in life coach training, business coaching training, career coach certification, and executive coaching certification that are used when coaching:

  • The Code of Ethics and Coaching Agreements provide guidelines, understanding, and also serve to build trust.
  • Recognizing client personality in the moment and knowing how to adjust supports the coach being present and in the moment, plus the client being more comfortable in the relationship.
  • Actively listening then rephrasing what the client said helps with clarity and creates a natural flow in the coaching session to the next question.
  • Asking short, simple questions that are open maximizes client thinking and exploration.
  • Language patterns indicate if something is being deleted, generalized, or distorted and for a coach this is an invitation to ask questions.
  • The focus of the client impacts outcome so coaches ask questions until the client describes their goals in terms of what the client is moving toward, their internal motivation, and their proactive planning.
As a coach, to fully maximize the coaching certification, review all of the materials covered in coach training and all of the resources provided to graduates.  Yes, this involves planning time and the payoff is incredible both in terms of your own clarity and in terms of your effectiveness as a coach.

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