Monday 22 December 2014

3 Pillars of Leaders and Coaches

The role of a leader has changed, and now leadership skills are more aligned than ever with coaching skills.  Increasingly the way to differentiate yourself is with business coaching training, career coach certification, executive coaching certification, or life coach training.

While some consider a leader a specific role or position, the reality is leading is an earned privilege.  Three essential skills are pillars of both leading and coaching; consider the application and implication of each.

1.      Listen

How often have you observed a conversation and thought to yourself, “they really don’t get what is being said?”  Communication is a top deficiency in the workplace (and often in relationships) and because listening is the first communication skill, those that develop listening skills create more opportunities.

·        What happens without listening skills?  Miscommunication, conflict, missed deadlines.
·        What happens with listening skills?  Understanding, productivity, creative thinking.
Listen intentionally – focus physically and mentally on the speaker, anticipate rephrasing everything they say, and work to understand both their feelings and what they aren't saying.

2.      Ask

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to come up with a solution to others situations?  Is the follow-through as assured if the idea is someone else’s?  Telling is easy; asking is effective.

·        What happens without asking?  Intimidation, resentment, shut-down.
·        What happens with asking?  Engagement, commitment, motivation.
Ask to empower – ask others their thoughts and ideas, and ask how they will make it happen so that they develop the action plan and timeline to follow.

3.      Empower

What is empowering?  Different than just assisting, empowering is encouragement, support, and backing someone up whether or not your way of doing it the same because ultimately it is about the end result.  To earn the respect and support of others, a leader, like a coach, empowers. 
·         What happens without empowering?  Minimal engagement, limited effort, disinterest, and mistakes. 
·         What happens with empowering?  Loyalty, engagement, ownership, and trust.
Empower because people matter – show you care and you will earn the privilege of leading or coaching.

Businesscoaching training, career coach certification, executive coaching certification, and life coach training are an opportunity for you to maximize your leadership abilities and your career opportunities.

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