Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Coach Training - Executive Coaching Training

It is noteworthy that some resist the idea of coach training stating either that it will stifle the coach or that it is unnecessary.  Consider this: hundreds of years ago there was no requirement for doctors to have medical training.  Does training stifle their work?  Is it unnecessary?  Alternatively, are you interested in hiring an untrained financial planner because they will be more creative and training is unimportant anyway?  Is training necessary for mental health professionals, HR professionals, or engineers?  Does it stifle their creativity?  Of course executive coaching training makes sense for a professional.  Executive coach training supports creativity because once the foundation is in place each coach creates a unique approach.What is the purpose of executive coaching training?  Consider coach training on the topic of ethics.  It seems this is a given and most feel they are ethical.  Do they know what they don’t know?  For example, how does confidentiality apply in coaching when there is a difference between what a sponsor (the employer paying for coaching) and the person being coached want?  How long does a coach keep records?  Training provides information on ethics.  In the Certified Professional Coach class there is a discussion and specific examples are provided.  There is an opportunity to ask questions.  The complete Code of Ethics is reviewed.
If a coach is untrained or their training failed to include ethics, how will you feel about hiring them?
Ethics are one example of the reasons training is so important.  Developing coaching competencies is another vital part of coach training.

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