Friday, 25 July 2014

Life Coach Training – GPS for Self-Actualization defines self-actualization as “the achievement of one’s full potential through creativity, independence, spontaneity, and a grasp of the real world.”

Huffington post published four steps to self-actualization:
  1. Stop measuring yourself against others.
  2. Learn to accept yourself holistically.
  3. Understand that you are in control.
  4. Don’t stop growing.
Now consider this approach with a Certified Professional Coach after their life coach training: To go toward self-actualization, start with self-awareness, then self-acceptance, and then living your values. The coaching process naturally supports self-awareness and self-acceptance with probing and clarifying questions. The recent blog posts on Finding the Direction and Skill Development are examples. Living your values starts with identifying and defining your values, evaluating where you are now, choosing your ideal, and strategizing your process. One example of how life coach training supports you through these steps is exploration with these questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. List twelve values that define who you are now. (Choose from the list or write your own.)
  3. Rank in Groups of Three
First Three
Second Three
Third Three
Fourth Three

4. Define
What is your definition of each values?

5. Explore
What values do you live now?
What values to you want to live?

Coaching serves as your GPS for creating meaningful change and achieving self-actualization.

Friday, 18 July 2014

Executive Coaching Certification – GPS for Skill Development

Skill development is ongoing throughout our lives. Our families and schools support this and in the workplace many employers provide opportunities. Whether developing general life skills or specialized skills, executive coaching certification adds value. To back that statement up, look at the study done by the Personnel Management Association: training provides a 22% improvement and training plus coaching provides an 88% improvement. How does coaching make so much of a difference? Because an individual with executive coaching certification is like your GPS for direction, and works with you on how you personally will implement your learning, then serves as an accountability partner for keeping you on track.

What are methodologies for coaching as your GPS to skill development? Yes, there are multiple options for how to get there. To get started with a few directions, create a list of skills that are relevant and important for you to develop. Next rank your level of skill in each of these areas. Then prioritize developing the skills.

Another approach is to list both your strengths and weakness in different skills. Then choose one strength you want to continue developing, one weakness you want to develop, and identify one skill that directly impacts your success that you want to develop.

Working with a coach as you take these steps enhances your outcomes because executive coaching certification teaches the coach to help you clarify your thinking and expand your options.

Once you decide where you want to go, your coach works with you on how you will get there. Of course with skill development reading, researching, and training are obvious options. Coaches will initiate brainstorming experiential learning opportunities, create stretch learning opportunities, and will role play with you too. Executive coaching certification teaches coaches to partner with you to strategize your application of information so you develop your skills.

Friday, 11 July 2014

Career Coach Certification – GPS for Your Career

Career coaching is a fabulous GPS for launching, reinventing, or advancing your career because the career coach certification teaches the coach to work with you on defining your direction and implementing your step-by-step movement toward your objectives. As with a GPS, it starts by finding where you are now and then the directions are determined based on where you want to go. A simple example of this in career coaching is using the following for exploration and prioritization:

  1. Highlight what is on your existing resume.
  2. Describe your education and experience.
  3. Prioritize the type of work you want and rank the related work tasks.
  4. Describe how you are searching for a job or how you are advancing in your career.
  5. Prioritize the coaching focus by ranking this list:
    • Defining the ideal job
    • Exploring career options
    • Creating a strategy for a promotion
    • Enhancing resume
    • Expanding job search strategies
    • Planning job search
    • Preparing for interviews
    • Practicing interviews
    • Follow-up on leads, applications, resume submissions, and interviews
    • Negotiating title, responsibilities, salary, and benefits
    • Starting a new position

Career coaching is often combined with training and consulting. This makes sense because the training provides information, the consulting provides expertise, and the individual with career coach certification then supports you determining, planning, and implementing the routes you choose.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Business Coaching Training – GPS for Business

Increasingly start-up, small, and mid-sized business owners are seeking a professional with business coaching training to help move in their right direction. This makes sense – after all, while they are great at the work, there are areas of business ownership and management that call for additional support.

The starting point is knowing where you are and defining where you want to go with your business. To get started in the right direction, a coach will ask questions they developed in business coaching training.  This process provides the business owner with clarity as well as helping choose the direction. Examples of questions include:
  1. What stage are you in for your business? Please explain.
  • Start-up
  • Growing
  • Maintaining
  • Sustainable
  • Strategy
  1. What is the history of your business?
  2. What is your passion for the business?
  3. What are your ideas for the business?
  4. What is your vision for the business?
  5. What is your business strategy?
  6. Prioritize the coaching focus starting with this list:
  • Create or re-develop Mission and Vision statements
  • Business Planning
  • Marketing and Social Media Planning
  • Refining Plans
  • Strategizing
  • Exploring Ideas
  • Action Planning
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Financial Management
  • Growth
  • Sustainability
  • Increasing Efficiencies
  • Employee Management
  • Vendor Relations
  • Other

Clarity of the starting point and priorities for the direction maximize coaching with a professional who had business coaching training as your GPS for reaching the destination.