had a big project on her list for organizing. She told her coach
Susan that her house, closets, and office were organized, and now she
wanted to organize the files on her computer. Susan asked Maria how
she wanted to approach it. Together they brainstormed options
including to outline what she had and where she wanted things, and
another possibility was for her to do it while they talked it
through. Maria decided she wanted to complete it during the coaching
session. Susan used screen sharing in her coach training and asked
Maria if sharing the screen on the computer was helpful. Maria said
yes, she liked that idea.
both Maria and Susan looking at Maria’s computer screen, Susan
asked Maria to explain the different files and documents. Susan
applied another vital tool from her coach
and also reflected back some of what Maria had shared about her work
flow when they discussed organizing her office. For Maria this was a
light-bulb moment. She realized how she wanted to arrange her files
to support her work flow and that gave her insight on file folders to
create. Susan asked questions and gave Maria the space so she talked
through the main file folders and then the file folders within each
of those. With her list ready, Maria quickly created her file
folders. Once she created the file folders, Maria moved documents
into the appropriate folders. As she worked, Susan continued asking
her clarifying questions so that Maria thought through how she was
organizing everything. By the end of the session Maria’s files
were organized and she was excited.
the process of achieving her goals, Susan supported Maria by asking
questions, creating awareness, and co-creating process, techniques,
and tools.